Saturday, November 7, 2009

None but the Anonymous Brave

Back in September, the manager of the Firearms Store I teach classes at was interviewed by Fox News (,2933,554780,00.html). In the article about ammunition sales, Jason stated that he wanted to stock up on ammunition for each of his firearms. I do not see an issue with that as I have done the same. Now, fast forward to late September. Jason receives a letter in the mail from an ANONYMOUS person. The letter was not signed and there was not return address, although the postmark was from New Jersey. This anonymous sender proceeds to lambaste Jason on how he "fears having his precious guns taken away" and that "he is threatened to have an intelligent, articulate African-American man as President". As well as "how us good ole boys are still fighting the Civil War which we surrended in 1845 (that person's words, not a typo)". It was signed by "One Gun a Month is Plenty".

OK, "One Gun a Month is Plenty", how did you go from "It always happens when the Democrats get in office. It happened with Clinton and Obama is even stronger for gun control. Ammunition will be the first step, so I'm stocking up while I can." to "I understand it is threatening to have an intelligent, articulate, African-American man as President".

The article did not mention race as a reason. It did not mention the Chosen One as the cause, only the effect. It said that it always happens when Democrats get in office, and, by default, the current President is a Democrat.

Someone is grasping at straws and making it into something it is not, a race issue.
Now, this person also proceeded to call Jason an "armed domestic terrorist that is more dangerous than al-Queda". I've know Jason for a few years. He is an intelligent, highly respected person who works hard, loves his family and makes it a point to work safely in the firearms industry.

Oh, and he is also in the military. He has made a committment to DEFEND THIS COUNTRY without being asked to do the job or thanked for it (which some people, probably like you "One Gun a Month", do not do enough of).

So, "One Gun a Month", I have no respect for you. You decide to hide behind the shield of anonymity, piss and moan about how bad people are and contribute to the problem, not the solution. I parallel Jason's views. Guess what?? I'm from the New England (remember us, we won the Civil War?).

Grow some balls and show yourself. If you can't put up, shut up!

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